Private Equity Consulting Services

We help our clients accelerate growth by supporting private equity portfolio companies with CREO trusted advisors who understand your unique challenges

What We Do

Our clients partner with profitable, mission-focused healthcare, life sciences, and technology services companies that have significant growth potential.

Sector Expertise

We engage with private equity firms investing in diverse sectors including:

  • Healthcare
  • Life Sciences
  • Technology Services
  • Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Advanced Analytics

CREO aligns with the missions of these organizations and brings decades of experience to help our clients:

Increasing momentum

Increasing momentum and reduce risk by establishing and overseeing due diligence management and executing post-merger integration plans

Assessing the culture

Assessing the cultures of companies as an essential ingredient of successful integration planning by engaging our organizational effectiveness and executive coaching expertise

Providing the breadth

Providing the breadth of CREO’s seasoned team to support a multitude of needs from rescuing critical IT projects to providing needed C-suite leadership to close critical gaps on client teams​

We’re ready to help.

Need clarity to guide your next actions? Let’s get started. We know your market moves fast, so we’ll move faster to ensure rapid impact.